Avoid the unmotivated Trainer

A Trainer’s role is the integral part of a beginners journey. Especially when it comes to continuing something as challenging as Physical fitness. It is imperative to understand that the influence of the Body over the Mind is huge and most times it is the Body that will win the convincing game.

This is so true for all of the working women, if not there wouldn’t be an eyebrow raising stats that points to 90% drop out rates after the first month. One main reason to this would be, after the day’s hard and mind taxing job, it takes the strength of Hercules to hit the gym, more so the very thought of doing the House chores after the work out. read more

To walk the talk-Is your trainer the physical shrine?

To walk the talk-Is your trainer the physical shrine?

While at college Yoga craze caught the better of me. With Yoga being the trending talk of the town in the 90s, I was instantly glued and decisive to becoming this top stud in Yoga.

My Yoga trainer claimed to be the Best- Claims are the easiest to do, no cash is involved

So after much searching and inquiring, I was finally led to join a gym which had an acclaimed Yoga trainer [the claim]. With much aspiration I joined the class. The trainer always started the class with small sermons as to how useful Yoga is and that her training of Yoga was unmatched and undisputed.

The sessions had more stories than training but we the student of 15,endured it, all for the body that was promised to us through her training. read more

Look for the committed Trainer

Look for the committed Trainer

Commitment, a key word that would save you a ton of heart aches, especially if your trainer has this in him/her. Most times when you walk into a gym you might get the opportunity to see trainers with perfectly sculpted bodies standing next to their clients with an advice here and there.

Don’t be deceived by looks

For an onlooker this might appear as if the trainer is really involved but that is something only the client who is getting trained can vouch for. For most of the times, the moment you sign up, the gym manager would tell you that if you were to sign up now for a trainer, you will get an extra 2 sessions of free training. read more

Tip No1: to select a good trainer

Tip No1: to select a good trainer

Of the many requirements the number One requirement that you need to look in a trainer should be, Attitude.

Most times, clients pick their trainers based on the looks that he or she has. This is like picking a Cheese cake by its looks only to find later that the cake has rotten cheese hidden deep within.

If your trainer turns out to be just like the Cheese cake mentioned above, you are bound to end up either in the ER or discouraged and lost.

There are innumerable examples where Trainers behave as if they own their clients. read more

6 ways, how a Trainer will help you Save your money

6 ways, how a Trainer will help you Save your money

We know hiring a Trainer can be expensive at times, but you need to look from the wider picture. Especially the worth that have a trainer brings you in. The Value that a good trainer adds in your life.

We all know to see growth and observe development, we ought to embark on a constant training schedule. These training schedules ought to be monitored and feedback provided to you. As a busy individual, it is beyond your limits. Just as you need your friend to provide feedback on your new perfume, one your new dress, on your new hand bag, on your new sandals, you too will need a trainer when it comes to your body and health. read more

Importance of a Trainer

Importance of a Trainer

Trainer is as important as a teacher to a student. But most times the importance is often negated with EGO coming to play or the “I know it all”, attitude.

Well, if you had known it all then why bother to enroll in a gym membership? For you could simply use your own body weight routines and achieve the same result.

Well, honestly speaking, there are two things to understand before we set out with our EGO. Foremost, EGO, will prevent you from achieving or becoming the best you.

Secondly, even if you were to adopt to follow Body weight routines, with EGO in your mind and heart, the chances of you sticking on with it is almost a probability zero. read more